Brand / Logo Design / Illustration

Endless Mileage Project

The Endless Mileage Project is a non-profit founded by Olympian Benjamin Blankenship. The organization has two pillars at the intersection of sustainability and track & fieldThe Fast Forest and Recovered Running.

The Fast Forest is located at Dorris Ranch in Springfield, Oregon were a tree is planted for every athlete who breaks the 4 minute mile for men and 4:30 for women. Recovered Running is focused on collecting donated gear and re-distributing to schools and organizations in need.

The Laces

To combine the elements of nature, track & field and re-using was challenging due to the fact that in many cases its defaulted to a shoe and tree and a stylistic variations of both. It was felt that in order to design something unique, it must be beneath the surface. Through many rounds of exploration, the shoe lace came through as the element that could tie all three logos together. The dynamic properties of the shoe lace allowed it to be flexible be able to form the logos. In the case of the Fast Forest, the shoe lace was used to represent a forest landscape for afar. The use of the shoe lace also brought in a unique branding element to the overall brand, textures.


LACE Oregon