Tequilero wordmark

Tequilero Magazine

Tequilero for the tequila connoisseur. The magazine features informational articles about the world of tequila and illustrations to keep the reader entertained.

Art Direction / Typography / Page Layout / Magazine Design

Tequilero spread 2.jpg

At a Glance

The publication uses the typeface bourbon for its headings and logotype. Paired with it is Bembo and Franklin Gothic which are used interchangeably as body copy for different articles to add a dynamic and varied texture to the page.

Illustrations help activate the negative spaces and add energy to the feature article layouts where as photography pages will be used to contrast heavy type articles that do not have illustrations of their own. The combination of type, layout, illustration and photography create a dynamic publication to keep the reader entertained.

Digital mobile prototype version of Tequilero Magazine.


YGB Brand


Junot Diaz Book Jackets